David Coe

eys-david-coeDavid Coe, Australia’s authority on investor social media, is a communications strategist who has the rare ability to write for the head and the heart.
He combines the discipline of a career in financial journalism and investment banking with insights gained from thirty-five years of study into human behaviour in such diverse places as a Buddhist monastery, Sydney, Queensland and Cambridge universities, Findhorn in Scotland, the schools of Werner Erhard and John Demartini, and the newsrooms of more than a dozen major newspapers around the world.

David is an accomplished presenter, author, editor, animation producer, and script writer who quickly gets to the intellectual and emotional core of a business case.
He is the managing editor of his own firm, Investor Torque, which helps junior listed companies reach tens of thousands of investors on social media.
Please visit David’s company website, investortorque.com or his personal website, davidcoe.com.au for more information.


As a bonus for readers of the book, David will help make your business communications more effective.
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